Music 312a – Portfolio Exercise #3, Part B:
Scoring in East/West & Octatonicism (60 pts total):
Need to review any tutorials in Logic Pro at
- Go to and log-in with your Yale netID & password
- Find “Logic Pro X Essential Training” by Scott Hirsch
- If needed, review “Logic Pro X Essential Training” info: Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 13
- Re-read: East/West Basic Setup Instructions.pdf
- E-mail Alex V. if you have any questions!
Read the following Class Notes on Classesv2 AFTER 12/10:
Review the following Wikipedia article again and study the Octatonic Scales & Chords On B file by 12/10:
Study your Spectrotone Chart carefully BEFORE 12/10:
PE #3, Part B – Scoring in East/West (60 pts.):
*** DUE Wednesday, 12/16 by 11:59 p.m. ***
Log-in as an “eastwest” user. Download the following resources at Classesv2. Study & listen to them:
1. Sibelius Files
- a. Octatonic Scales & Chords On B
- b. Pizzicato – Whole-Half Source
- c. Pizzicato – Whole-Half Score
- d. Pizzicato – Half-Whole Source
- e. Pizzicato – Half-Whole Score
- f. Pizzicato – Half-Whole: Other Examples
2. Logic Files
- a. Octatonic Scales & Chords On B
- b. Pizzicato – Whole-Half Source
- c. Pizzicato – Half-Whole Source
- d. Pizzicato – Half-Whole: Extended Examples
Here’s What’s Prescribed:
1. Plan An Extended Harmonic Structure
2. Listen to the Pizzicato – Half-Whole: Extended Examples file
3. Design & Implement Melodic Doublings
4. Design & Implement Bass Line Doublings
5. Design & Implement Chordal Subgroups