MIDI Realizations Using VSL #1

Module Assignment #1

Before class on Feb. 26th:

Go to the Comp Seminar classesv2 site, find the Resources Folder, then click on it to find the Music 413b – Spring 2015 Folder for materials to download.

1. Carefully browse the following Class Notes from the Adler and Blatter texts:

  • Adler_Orchestration_IndividualStrings_ClassNotes.pdf
  • Adler_Orchestration_StringTechniques_ClassNotes.pdf
  • Adler_Orchestration_Woodwinds_ClassNotes.pdf
  • Adler_Orchestration_Brass_ClassNotes.pdf

2. Carefully browse your Spectrotone Chart and manuals.

3. Carefully browse the Instrumentology pages on the VSL website.

4. Carefully browse the VSL Reference Poster in Rm. 403.

5. Re-read Beat Kaufmann’s ‘How To Use VSL Tutorial.’

6. Initial VSL Concepts:

MIDI & Logic review:

  • Note data
  • Velocity data
  • Expression data
  • Modulation data
  • Tempo curve

VSL Basic Concepts:

  • Articulation samples
  • Performance samples
  • Humanize
  • Patches
  • Matrices
  • Presets
  • Key switches

7. Implement the Module #1 Logic Assignments:

Go to Rm. 403, log-in to the workstation (use the secret netID), then click on your individual folder for Logic Project materials to use.  Save your completed work in your own Rm. 403 folder.

Module #1-A: Beat Kaufmann “How To Use VSL Tutorial” – DUE Friday, 3/6!

  • 1. Listen to and study the violin, cello, flute and clarinet tracks.
  • 2. Create a viola track with the same MIDI notes, but different
    articulations from the violin and cello. 
  • 3. Create either an oboe or bassoon track with the same MIDI notes, but different articulations from the flute  and clarinet.  

Module #1-B: Debussy’s Syrinx – DUE Wednesday, 4/1!

  • 1. Listen to the original Debussy Syrinx; it’s a track in your project.
  • 2. Look at Alex’s tempo curve for the Syrinx project: it’s a .jpg in the folder.
  • 3. Edit your Debussy Syrinx project: create your own tempo curve, edit your own velocity data, and insert your key switches to change your flute’s articulations.
  • 4. Try listening to both Syrinxes panned hard left and hard right as you work.
  • 5. This assignment shouldn’t take you any longer than 1.5 hrs.

Module #1-C: Copland’s ‘Fanfare For A Common Man’ – DUE Wednesday, 4/1!

  • 1. Listen to the original Copland Fanfare For A Common Man; it’s a track in your project.
  • 2. Look at Alex’s tempo curve for the Fanfare project: it’s the .jpg in the folder.
  • 3. Edit your Copland Fanfare project: create your own tempo curve, edit your own velocity data, insert your key switches to change your brass’s articulations.
  • 4. Adjust the panning location for each individual track.
  • 5. Try listening to both Fanfares panned hard left and hard right as you work.
  • 6. This assignment shouldn’t take you any longer than 2.5 hrs.


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